16 December 2011

Why everyone should journal...

Everyman must tell his own tale
C.S Lewis

I love journaling. I love writing things down no matter how mundane the thought may seem. There's nothing like sitting in a cafe, opening up your favourite journal and taking out your trusty pen, and writing. It truly is a form of therapy, and I suggest you all try it. I mean, even C.S Lewis says you should tell your own tale... and he was really smart.

Now, I know some of you are probably thinking "um, Monica, that's stupid, journaling is dump, it's for girls, I don't need to journal"... etc.. etc. But little do you know, journalling can be one of the best ways to free calm and relaxed. You'd be surprised at how creative you really are if you just allow yourself to put pen to paper. 

I remember way back when being forced to "journal" in high school, and then later in University.. etc. It always felt like a huge waste of time. I'm pretty sure the fact that I was being graded on my journaling, and my teacher was going to read all my thoughts made me really detest the activity. I remember students would scramble to write journal entries the night before it was all due and wondering what they were "supposed" to write. I hated that. I hated that people felt that they were "supposed" to write something. Personally, I feel that journalling should be whatever you want it to be, and in any form that you want it to be. Writing, drawing, doodling, anything! 

It wasn't until May 2010 when my boyfriend bought me my first journal for my birthday that I really fell in love with the art of writing things down. Obviously, like every little girl, I had a diary. I wrote about all the boys I liked, all the friends I hated, or liked, and how I didn't like my parents because I didn't get a barbie for Christmas. You know, the usual. But it was never about anything to do with my personal development. Oh, that's another thing. Journalling is a great way to track your own personal development. But I'll get back to that. 

So, when I received my first proper journal I was in love. It was a blueish greenish paperblanks journal with a nice design on the front. It came with a little magnet clip to hold it together. The paper was nice and smooth, and my pen would glide effortlessly across the page. It was wonderful! He gave me this journal in order to have a place for all my "random" thoughts, ideas and lists while I was setting up my new adventure in Toronto. 

That journal became my saving grace. I filled it to the brim with my happenings of day to day events around the city, with lists of shows I wanted to see, with quotes I wanted to remember. There are stickers from shows, and notes from friends. Each time I wrote something down I felt happy, and motivated. I felt that I was making progress. That's where the tracking of your personal development comes in. I was able to see how my life was changing with the turn of a page. 

Once I filled that journal, I quickly moved onto the next. Thankfully that brand of journals made the same one in different colours, so this time I went with red. Now that journal has got some serious business going on inside. That journal was during my "transition" phase of coping with the fact that I was moving away from Toronto. It's filled with thoughts about moving, and my plan on how to fully enjoy the city. 

When I look back at the two journals, I read two very different stories coming from the same core. I see where I was, and where I want to be. 

Now I have another journal. Same make, but now it's green. Green for Ireland. It's slowly catching up to its predecessors, but it defiantly has a different feel to it. I like that. 

What's great about having these lovely diaries is how I can now reference them. I can go back to my first one and think "hm, I remember being at this cafe and having this one idea, but what was the quote that sparked that again", and find it in a pinch. It's brilliant. 

Anyway, I truly hope that in some way I have inspired you to start writing things down. I honestly think you should go out, buy yourself a beautiful book, and start writing in it. Just anything. Even if you just start writing your grocery list. Write the date you started it, a wee quote for inspiration, a note to yourself, and then... surprise yourself. I was told to "surprise myself" by a pretty handsome Irish fella, and well... I did... in more ways than one, and it worked. :) 

Keep Smilin', 


1 comment:

  1. So I wouldn't call myself someone who journals by any stretch, but this summer when I went away I decided to take a little notebook with me. Every night I wrote a couple of pages about what I had done that day. It was actually kind of fun and a good exercise. I hope one day to read it and relive those experiences. But, I don't think my everyday life is exciting enough to write down... :)
