12 December 2011

3 Months on the Emerald Isle!

To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance
- Oscar Wilde 

I love quotes. Just love them. My journal is filled to the brim with quotes, and lately I have been filling it with tons of Irish quotes by Oscar Wilde, C.S Lewis, James Joyce, and Samuel Beckett. So don't be surprised if in the next little while I shall be sharing tons of wise words from those fellas :) 

I stumbled upon the above mentioned quote by Wilde around the time I arrived in Ireland three months ago. It really stuck with me. 

I'm sure I'm not alone in the fact that we have all had a moment in our lives when we've cared a great deal about what others think about us. We care about how others perceive us, or if they like the way we look. Humans are interesting creatures don't you think? I suppose animals are the same. Have you ever watched Planet Earth? I'm always reminded of the male birds who groom themselves and prepare their mating area in hopes that a female bird will come along and "join"him. 

I suppose we aren't the only ones. However, I still feel that, as a society, we put a lot of pressure on one another to 'impress' those around us. But unlike the birds, we have the ability to know we don't have to conform. 

So much pressure don't you think? It's terrible.

That's why I love Wilde's quote. If you truly love yourself, then you are in for a real treat. You don't need anyone else to prove your worth. You have yourself to love. Only then can you share your love with those around you to the fullest. hm, that makes sense right?

Man, that sounds really "gushy" doesn't it? Well, it's true. 

Now, I'm not saying I'm prefect. I get worked up about these things too! I am human after all, and we all go through changes in our lives now and again. Our self romance goes through roller-coasters of emotions just like any relationship. Mine was moving to Ireland 3 months ago. It's been a really big leap. A big leap of faith. I've had to look at myself differently, and try to find how I fit in this new adventure in my life. But, I've started to adjust and adapt, and hopefully myself and I will start our honeymoon phase once again.

Who doesn't like the honeymoon phase?

What do you guys think of the quote?

Keep Smilin, 



  1. Monica, you are a rare gem who I'm glad to know and hope to meet in person one day. I couldn't have read that quote any sooner than now. At a time I was feeling super cynical and not having faith in many people, I read that Oscar Wilde quote.

    You are on a great adventure and I know you'll make the most of every bit of it. <3

  2. Kathy!!

    I'm so happy to hear that the quote made you feel better!!! You deserve too!
    If I've made you smile by sharing that quote with you, then I've already accomplished my goal to make people smile with this blog!

    Also, thank you very much :) I'm trying to darnedest to make every bit count while I'm on this adventure!! xox.
