07 December 2011

The Prologue

"The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own life. To become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something. Not to be onto something is to be in despair." - The Moviegoer, Walker Percy. 

After waiting for a year and half, I have finally arrived on the Emerald Isle.

Why did I move all the way from the comforts of Canada to the Emerald Isle you ask?

For a boy.

Yup, a boy. An Irish boy. An Irish boy that I met in Paris 9 years ago when we were both awkward sixteen year olds. Mind you, we didn't start dating 9 years ago, but that's all for another story...

Now I'm living in Ireland and searching. Searching for what? I'm not to sure. But I do know that while I'm searching for something in this new life of mine, I'd love for all of you to tag along.

I want to really delve into Irish life and the world around me. I want to discover everything and anything. I want to eat everything and anything! 

Care to join me on this adventure?

I'll be sharing my experiences, and fun things about Ireland, attaching video diaries here and there, even cooking a bit while I'm at it! If I travel somewhere outside of Ireland, I'll try to share that too! 

But for now I shall leave you with a quote by a famous Belfastian, C.S Lewis:

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind"

Keep Smilin',


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