13 December 2011

The Irish Songbook - Rattlin' Bog

Dance first, think later. It's the natural order. 
- Samuel Beckett 

It's time for a sing-along folks!
An Irish sing-along!

When I first visited Ireland with my dear friend Catherine in February of 2010, we were introduced to a fun Irish sing-along called "Rattlin' Bog". We were on a tour bus headed for the Wicklow Mountains, and Steve, our tour guide, taught us this tune - with actions!

Here's a wee home video that I made during our sing-along with Steve. The camera might be shaky, and it's not the best quality, but it'll give you a glimpse into how fun the Irish can be with their sing-alongs!

Here are the lyrics!
Rattlin' Bog

Hi ho, the rattlin' bog,
The bog down in the valley-o,
Hi ho, the rattlin' bog,
The bog down in the valley-o.
Now in the bog there was a tree,
A rare tree, a rattlin' tree;
The tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.
And on that tree there was a branch,
A rare branch, a rattlin' branch,
The branch on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o.
The verses continue in a like manner, with increasing details of the tree and its contents, such as:
Now on that branch there was a twig...
Now on that twig there was a leaf...
Now on that leaf there was a nest...
Now in that nest there was an egg...
Now in that egg there was a bird...
Now on that bird there was a wing...
Now on that wing there was a feather...
Now on that feather there was a flea...
Now on that flea there was a rash...

Hope that helps brighten your day!

Keep Smilin' 


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